fiResponse Florida

by Technosylva Inc.



"fiResponse™ is an enterprise system that provides capabilities for managing emergency response to all-hazard incidents with an emphasis on wildland fire. The software is designed to support the entire lifecycle of an incident delivering a common operating picture that allows multi-agency use with seamless synchronization and data sharing between different users, agencies, and devices through multiple platforms, including Desktop, Web, and Mobile.fiResponse™ core capabilities are built for incident management, resource management, and real-time resource tracking through spatially enabled platforms - designed to enhance situational awareness and support operational activities. The fiResponse™ Mobile App is primarily designed for emergency response users in the field to support situational awareness.Key fiResponse™ Mobile App features include viewing, creating, and/or editing incident information; dispatching to an incident and/or selecting an incident to follow; routing to an incident; viewing incident weather; collecting incident photos; mapping from GPS or digitizing on screen incident points, lines, and/or polygons; mapping from GPS in background mode; optionally sharing resource location and viewing other resource locations on the map; and viewing, creating, and/or editing incident log messages.The fiResponse™ system including the Mobile App can be configured to meet organizational needs.Note: This app requires you have a fiResponse account with the host agency to login and view/edit information."